Sabtu, 03 Maret 2018


Loyakk Vega is a decentralized blockchain business relationship platform that enables businesses to securely and efficiently exchange critical data and value within their business networks in a contextual and relational way. The Loyakk Vega plate-form incorporates the implementation of patent-pending patented blockchain technology with advanced enterprise relationship management capabilities to meet the modern challenges of B2B engagement in all industries. Loyakk Vega is feeding a full-stack solution that includes the design and development of an enterprise-wide blockchain implementation and digital transformation.

The Loyakk plateform is transformative for the industry due to several factors. Collaboration between people in the ecosystem is transparent. This includes customers, suppliers, distributors, partners and organizations. There is consistency in how data is shared and accessible across the ecosystem. In addition, the movement of assets between the parties both globally and locally occurs accurately and quickly. In addition, smart contracts enable faster decision making and automated processes.

Secure transmission of data is of utmost importance. Access to data must be consistent, verifiable and indisputable. The Vega plateform can support data workflows between applications throughout the blockchain. Business processes are aligned with data workflows so that the right data is securely shared across legal agreements, contexts, and appropriate business rules. Each party has the ability to track and control access to their data.

Business relationships are very important for any collaboration. The Vega plateform provides fluid and friction free interactions and administration between all involved parties. The use of data in the blockchain minimizes conflicts that may occur and allows for quick resolution. Current systems are obsolete, tenants, chaotic and often dangerous. The Vega plateform creates fully secure, partitioned, decentralized Web values ​​that enable seamless data transfer. There are flexible blockchain zones in the Loyakk Platform's Value Web.
Foto Loyakk.
Loyakk Vega is a decentralized blockchain business relationship platform that enables businesses to securely and efficiently exchange critical data and value within their business networks in a contextual and relational way. The Loyakk Vega plate-form incorporates the implementation of patent-pending patented blockchain technology with advanced enterprise relationship management capabilities to meet the modern challenges of B2B engagement in all industries. Loyakk Vega is feeding a full-stack solution that includes the design and development of an enterprise-wide blockchain implementation and digital transformation.

The Loyakk plateform is transformative for the industry due to several factors. Collaboration between people in the ecosystem is transparent. This includes customers, suppliers, distributors, partners and organizations. There is consistency in how data is shared and accessible across the ecosystem. In addition, the movement of assets between the parties both globally and locally occurs accurately and quickly. In addition, smart contracts enable faster decision making and automated processes.

Secure transmission of data is of utmost importance. Access to data must be consistent, verifiable and indisputable. The Vega plateform can support data workflows between applications throughout the blockchain. Business processes are aligned with data workflows so that the right data is securely shared across legal agreements, contexts, and appropriate business rules. Each party has the ability to track and control access to their data.

Business relationships are very important for any collaboration. The Vega plateform provides fluid and friction free interactions and administration between all involved parties. The use of data in the blockchain minimizes conflicts that may occur and allows for quick resolution. Current systems are obsolete, tenants, chaotic and often dangerous. The Vega plateform creates fully secure, partitioned, decentralized Web values ​​that enable seamless data transfer. There are flexible blockchain zones in the Loyakk Platform's Value Web.

Web Value Value - Propulsé par Vega Business Relationship Platform
Web de valeur de l'industrie high-tech
Les entreprises réimagineront la façon dont elles gèrent leurs activités à forte valeur ajoutée en tirant mieux parti des relations au sein de leurs réseaux d'affaires. En regroupant des partenaires, des fournisseurs, des entrepreneurs, des revendeurs et d'autres agents de vente dans un réseau commun, les entreprises seront en mesure de transformer la façon dont elles vendent, mettent en œuvre et soutiennent des solutions technologiques complexes. La plate-forme Loyakk Vega permet un partage sécurisé et autorisé des informations sur les transactions, les projets et les IP, un suivi des projets vérifiable et des contrats intelligents axés sur les relations, qui favorisent la prestation de services et la rémunération des entrepreneurs et des fournisseurs. Toutes ces capacités aident à accélérer les transactions et l'exécution des projets. Amélioration globale de la transaction et de la rentabilité du projet tout en réduisant considérablement les risques du projet.

Valeur de l'industrie de l'assurance Web
Un site Web à valeur distribuée alimenté par Vega permet à l'assureur et à divers tiers d'accéder facilement et instantanément aux informations pertinentes (formulaires de réclamation, preuves, rapports d'ajusteurs, rapports de police, etc.) et d'exécuter efficacement leurs rôles via des systèmes intelligents préétablis. contrats. Grâce à la capacité de Vega à fournir un référentiel de données partagées sur plusieurs sites de confiance, les assureurs peuvent vérifier de manière indépendante l'authenticité des clients, des contrats et des transactions en stockant un historique complet, augmenter la vitesse du devis et l'émission des polices. réduire ou éliminer les erreurs dans le processus.

There is a token associated with the Loyakk platform. This will serve several functions within the platform. Anyone using the platform will need these tokens to perform a service or interaction. This token can carry data according to a set of rules. A feature of the token is the definition of permissions. This only allows the authorized recipient to view the data. Authorization rules can be applied to an individual or complete company. The token also allows standardization. This is important for transfers and fluid interactions across the network. The token is also responsible for creating and enforcing all rules that determine the processing, updating, and use of the data. These rules can be based on location, identity, user behavior, or relationships. The rules ensure that all transactions confirm regulations and agreements. There are many excellent uses for this technology that can benefit businesses.


Secures and streamlines information exchange, collaboration and engagement between members of the distributed business network

Enables permission and access to data by network members based on identity, relationship and business contexts

Facilitates secure, timely and accurate movement of digital assets and value between participants based on business rules and policies propagated throughout the network

Accelerates and streamlines complex deals, projects involving multiple parties with smart contracts, and minimizes disputes through better data verifiability & provenance

Standardizes all interactions on the network, helps reconcile data from disparate sources and systems around a single

Ensuring that all data and interactions across the ecosystem can be verified by customers, partners, auditors & regulators


"Blockchain-powered business networks is a very compelling notion when you consider the needs of business to streamline and secure interactions across the business partner network. Loyakk's vision and platform to create decentralized Value Webs holds much potential ".
Anthony Thomas,
Global CIO, Nissan Motors

"Blockchain will impact industries well beyond FinTech. Blockchain "Loyakk will be the disrupter in enabling businesses.
Erwin A Rezelman
CTO, Zurich Latin America



The VEGA roadmap of Loyakk

Our team

 Salim Ali-CEO
Jitu Telang-CTO
 Tsvetan Georgiev-Blockchain Technical Architect and Development Lead
 Jimjees Abraham-Blockchain Solutions Architect
 Jaijiv Prabhakaran-Chief Architect
 Marzanne DeLoof-Customer Success
 Rakesh Sreekumar-Chief Marketing Officer
 Sadiq Quasim-Director, Loyakk Ltd.
 Anthony Thomas-Advisor, Global CIO, Nissan Motors
 Patricia Hatter-Advisor, ex-CIO , McAfee
 Jonathan Becher-Advisor & Investor, Chief Digital Officer, SAP
 Gerry Mcclement-Investor, Director, ‘Big 4’ UK Bank

Author: doy17
Eth: 0xB17500134c9cECBE14353a5ecb2d860fc840DF24

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