Sabtu, 31 Maret 2018



Welcome to EcoSystem Gaming which is always decentralized,
The world of work is like a game.

The Universal Game Rules are considered fun activities. There are now more than 2.2 billion gamers worldwide, and only a small part of the ecosystem generates low income without income through the inclusion of MMOGs and the like. BitPlay then repeat the game lessons with the power of Blockchain.

The game has long been considered a fun activity where most players do not earn by playing addiction, but by building perm abilities and oases through MMOG (Permainan Multi-Pemain Massively Online). Online games have grown sangat in recent years and the world topi now has over 2.2 billion players and is growing. In view of the lower volume of games that players assume to waste valuable time in their lives playing games, in turn, giving them little or no financial gain, mati will embrace the revolution of BitPlay gaming platforms and games. change platforms. It's about the beginning and the new era for players around the world, there are almost undiscovered, talented and sophisticated players around the world, NOW is the time for players to be perceived as most superstars and conventionally celebrity sports celebrities , All over the world topi BitPlay then developed a decentralized and sustainable lifestyle for players and aspiring players to find, find, coach and inspire Bakat to master their world.

BitPlay becomes a fully blockchain-based platform that displays and releases its own cryptocurrency across all projects, platforms, apps and ecosystems.

World Gaming Population (Yearly)
Growing the game to a new level requires a sustainable ecosystem where gamers, potential players and sports lovers around the world can convert their game skills and passion into the profession and also make a living. BitPlay happens to drive this big change with a series of games, gambling, and other platforms to be launched.

Decentralized Game
One Currency, Multiple Platforms.
BitPlay being a completely blocked platform platform, will display and enable its origin cryptocurrency in all Projects, Platforms, Applications, and Ecosystems. The BTP Token will serve as the primary In-Game Currency for all BitPlay gambling and betting products in the BitPlay ecosystem. As is known, there will be many activities and utilities around the BTP token and this will encourage rapid growth for the value of the coin.

Blockchain is a revolutionary technology. This is just the data structure where each block is connected to the other block in chronological order stamped time. This is the underlying infra-structure for bitcoin, a popular cryptocurrency. This technol-ogy has bothered many industries ranging from finance, healthcare, politics and many industries are still to come.

Regardless of the attitude known as the new method of transferring value, technology also applies to ownership tracking, digital assets, physical assets and voting rights. It can also store and run computer code called 'smart contract'. But the blockchain gy-is relatively new and the community is still exploring the best way in which it can be used for the good of mankind. This is a good reason why BitPlay will also leverage this amazing technology for revolutionizing games and sports as a whole.
In addition to gaming there is also a gambling industry, which is very profitable :)
Gambling has been a huge and profitable industry that has grown over the years into a multibillion dollar (if not $ trillion) industry.
2018 will see BitPlay through the first launch of project and app gambling. One of the first platforms to become available to the public to gamblers and gamers worldwide is BitSport: advanced and blockchain based eSports betting platform that features native BitPlay crypto-currency (BTP) as the main form of risking the currency.
Other gambling products under development will follow 2nd quarter 2018.


roadmap bitplay.png



Author : doy17
Profile :;u=1701501
Eth : 0xB17500134c9cECBE14353a5ecb2d860fc840DF24

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