Jumat, 02 Maret 2018


Equitybase Real Estate Platform is a new Ethereum Smart Contract-based ecosystem that applies Blockchain Technology to the global Real Estate investment industry. Equitybase will offer an effective investment model and instantly secure a 500+ billion dollar equivalent in existing cryptocurrency, to a less stable and growing real estate market, by generating rental income, value appreciation and hedging.

Supported by our experts with a strong track record and reputation in the development of real estate, consumer electronics and technology industries, we at Equitybase have collected seeds for $ 300,000. In the summer of 2018, a full functional site will be launched on the Equitybase Platform. By autumn 2018, iOS and Android apps will also be available to our platform users, with the full functionality of our website securely with their mobile devices.

However, too often most of the profits from those projects end up largely in the pockets of our institutional investment partners, who in fact act as intermediaries standing between us and the real people whose money is invested.

Better Returns, Low Risk!
See the risk and return rates of all major asset classes in the last two decades

Equitybase will offer diversified real estate investment platforms available directly to anyone online.Equitybase has a simple solution: giving everyone the opportunity to invest directly with high quality commercial real estate, with stock liquidity and income from private equity investments combined with no lock-in period and no middleman.
The Equitybase platform will leverage the Hybrid Market System that enables the restoration of a high annual private market system in tandem with public market liquidity. The use of Blockchain and smart contract technologies in Indonesia real estate sector has the potential to revolutionize the sector as a whole, providing full direct access to real estate investment worldwide, as it lowers entry barriers and increases liquidity markets (which are usually only seen in the public market).
Okay. Back to the discussion. Historically, real estate has proven to be one of the best performing investments. As a real estate developer, equitybase spent an early career in building and owning commercial real estate properties. However, too often most of the profits from the project end up largely in the pockets of their institutional investment partners, which in fact act as intermediaries standing between the equitybase and the people who invest their money. This is why real estate investing is less liquid.
"Nous faisons quelque chose de totalement unique ici: nous combiner la liquidité des marchés publics avec le taux de rendement plus élevé des marchés privés en utilisant les technologies blockchain pour y arriver", a déclaré Morgan Chan "Nous avons créé une toute nouvelle façon d 'investir avec le jeton BASE La Blockchain est sans aucun doute la voie de l'avenir, et nous sommes fiers de l'intégrer dans l'industrie de l'immobilier aujourd'hui. "
Les utilisateurs pourront utiliser leurs jetons BASE sans frais cachés. La structure de cryptage de bout en bout rendra les investissements simples et transparents, éliminant ainsi les incertitudes qui résultent généralement de la constitution de portefeuilles d'investissements immobiliers.
Passionné par la diversification des placements, Equitybase offrira une variété de produits au moyen de sa plateforme, desamé des de créance, des actions privilégiées et des actions ordinaires.
Liens et contacts
Homepage : https://equitybase.co/
Whitepaper : https://equitybase.co/equitybasewhitepaper1.pdf
Facebook : https://facebook.com/equitybase
Twitter : https://twitter.com/equitybaseco
Telegram : https://t.me/equitybase
author :doy17 
Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1701501
Eth : 0xB17500134c9cECBE14353a5ecb2d860fc840DF24

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