Rabu, 18 April 2018


Image result for modern finance chain bounty

Modern Finance Chain (MFChain) is a public intelligent contract platform that aims to bridge the cryptocurrency gap between merchants and consumers. By empowering processors, merchants, and consumers with blockchain technology, making eCommerce faster and more profitable for everyone. While building the value of zero trading processing fees, MFChain launched the first prize program for consumers AND merchants.

Now let's talk about how you can participate in MFChain airdrop and get your free token!
The MFChain airdrop will run from March 19, 2018 to March 31, 2018. You can get the necessary details below, with information on how to participate and be part of the Modern Financial Chain community.

What Do I Need to Receive My Free Token?
MFC will launch the MFX Token on the Ethereum network as the ERC20 token. ERC20 is the standard protocol for decentralized applications built on the Ethereum blockchain.

Since this is based on the Ethereum platform, you will need the Ethereum wallet to participate in the aerial bridge. If you provide a wallet address incompatible with an ERC20 token or exchange wallet address, you will not receive an MFX token. If you do not have a Ethereum digital wallet, you can get it for free by visiting myetherwallet. If you are not comfortable with a digital wallet, there is a physical wallet that you can buy.

is the banner year for the growth of cryptocurrency. With cryptocurrency market capitalization increasing by 1600%, analysts and experts are calling for continued expansion and adoption. The future, while bright, faces a real challenge in 2018. The first is cryptocurrency as a form of payment. The second is a new blockchain company that is isolated without functioning products and only focuses on the use of their blockchain only. Decentralized open source projects should embrace each other instead of competing.

What cryptocurrency needs is a solution that allows coin holders to use their cryptocurrency for everyday purchases (and large) as well as solutions that include all blockchain. Combining the best of all available solutions and projects only speeds up the mass adoption rate. Creating blockchain and cryptocurrency is easy to understand, access and transact with will be key for 2018 and beyond. This ensures we no longer see cryptocurrency only as a speculative instrument and see it as a function of everyday life.

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Imagine if one day, individuals with brilliant ideas no longer need to spend much time building and developing their smart core contracts to launch their ICOs? Imagine if a consumer can trade with whatever cryptocurrency they choose in their favorite merchant and get rewarded in cryptocurrency? Imagine if merchants are given a solution where they can easily receive cryptocurrency payments, ultimately breaking free of rules and the many fees that credit card companies charge them?

The immediate goal of MF Chain is to be the trading foundation supported by blockchain. Accelerating adoption as cryptocurrency as a form of payment is critical to the growth of our industry. The initial launch as an ERC20 token built on the Ethereum blockchain, MF Chain brings users the ability to transact using their favorite coins with merchants and get rewarded starting in 2018. MF Chain's payment and rewards program is in the final stages of development with MVP set to release on month April. Providing this solution is the key to the MF Chain and cryptocurrency market, but not the sole purpose of the MF Chain.

When will ICO / tokens be sold?
May 5 - June 25, 2018
What is the maximum inventory of MFX?
521 million
How many MFX tokens will be available during ICO?
301,000,000 MFX tokens will be sold during all stages of ICO. This is our maximum circulation inventory.

How many MFX tokens will be saved for teams and organizations?
Only 8% of total MFX Tokens are saved for Developers and Advisors. 73% of all MFX tokens are allocated to ICO and MFX Rewards pool. MF Chain strongly believes in token allocation of responsible and transparent token

can be found at
WEB: https://github.com/mfchain
ANN: https://medium.com/@mfchain/modern-finance-chain

Author : doy17
Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1701501
Eth : 0xB17500134c9cECBE14353a5ecb2d860fc840DF24

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