Rabu, 18 April 2018


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Hello my sister is always healthy for all of us, here I will introduce ,, DIGIPHARM ,, will enable health restructuring by combining industry expertise and next generation technology. Our success will be measured by improving patient outcomes, reducing costs, and powerful DPH token utilities.

Inherent weaknesses and infrastructure limitations of the global health care system result in substantial sub-optimal inefficiency, waste and sub-optimal health outcomes for the most important stakeholders; patient.

Innovative pricing models provide a viable solution to the previously mentioned problem. Unfortunately, most healthcare providers or payers around the world do not have the relevant infrastructure to track and implement price-based pricing agreements, and are very embarrassed in adopting innovative contracts and pricing policies. In the current field of health, there is a lack of incentives for health systems and providers to focus on mutually beneficial collaborations and maximize patient outcomes. While it is widely agreed that a transition to value-based pricing is required, progress in doing so is very slow.

In addition to the obstacles in implementing price-based pricing, patient data is fragmented. The lack of easily accessible and comprehensive data of real-world evidence (RWE) currently prevents health care stakeholders from evaluating real-time performance and the value that therapy provides in real-life clinical practice as part of a value-based healthcare system.

Featured Solution Digipharm
By using public and private blockchain, we will facilitate and accelerate the restructuring of health care into value-based models, and improve patient outcomes by providing access to real-world evidence. Dynamic ecosystem Digipharm has two platforms - Reimburse and Insight.

By far the biggest hurdle in moving away from the inefficient cost of the service pricing model is the lack of infrastructure. Reimbursement will enable patients, providers, and health authorities to align in a way that mitigates risk and improves patient outcomes through result-based pricing. Using smart contracts, Reimburse will facilitate real-time application of innovative and performance-based innovative performance solutions between payers and manufacturers. Smooth integration with existing health information systems and administrative infrastructure of participating institutions will eliminate the need for manual handling of data and the processing of pricing agreements.

Insight is the real-life data storage real-life evidence (RWE) first. Anonymized data from the Reimburse platform will be extracted to create this repository. Additional health-related data such as genome data will also be linked to the Insight platform in partnership with the industry's leading evidence providers, to create an unparalleled health data market in preparation for a value-based future and based on health data. The use of cryptographically encrypted blockchain technology also eliminates all patient privacy and data security concerns that affect current RWE generation systems. RWE plays an increasingly influential role in informing decision making in the health care industry and delaying RWE

Insight will provide a symbiotic solution with Reimburse to complement the progressive transformation toward a value-based healthcare system. The development of a 'live' repository will allow knowledge integration back into the delivery system in real time to facilitate drug development, health-related research and post marketing.

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Digipharm aims to be a pioneer in delivering sustainable and value-based health services, generating innovative evidence and empowering patients across the health care industry. We invite you to be part of this meaningful journey.

Connect with us and join in the conversation:

Website: https://digipharm.ch/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/digipharmteam/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/DigipharmTeam
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/ExOHxk-TuOplQDbBWXaLaQ
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/Digipharm
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/digipharm/

Author : doy17
Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1701501
Eth : 0xB17500134c9cECBE14353a5ecb2d860fc840DF24

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