Jumat, 01 Juni 2018


Tradelize is a global crypto-currency ecosystem and a set of services that allow tokens owners to confidently trade their crypto-currency assets and make more reasonable investments through the use of the provided experience. Tradelize's goal is to reduce barriers to entry in crypto investment markets by providing tools that enable the use of cryptographic trading opportunities for professional and mainstream users. Tradelize architecture is a unique architecture and a set of special tools, oriented to the client, with the participation of the largest network of traders, which seeks to facilitate and provide massive introduction of cryptography. The company has created a set of tools suitable for professional traders coming from the main financial markets. Tradelize provides permanent users with the opportunity to copy successful strategies used by professional traders and uses a unit to test the work of these highly skilled professionals. All this together will become a community of TRADELIZE.

so join Tradelize and get a great experience with this, check out the website for more details on this amazing project and read the white paper for details on token projects and sales. Join social media channels to get updates and ask any questions. get more information by watching this video.

In this case to effectively understand the financial functions used, the intrinquite-vei rights of money have become public property held by those who use them. In the US, the US Committee on Homeland Government & Governmental Affandre recognizes that virtue is a poor way of example, for example Bitcoin. Not too much of the cost is determined by 'Bitcoin' it offers a very hard way to get funds from migrant workers who send most of their requests without having to pay to pay higher than the fees charged by the government.

Perhaps the most important main point to not as described is the decentralized and un decentralized factor of them. By understanding anyone, we will see seeing 'promise from the front' in the framework of a good future that may exploit indirectly for all bad things, but on something that is not clear or something that is not right. Thus, whatever is there, when there is a need for a large network it uses only a hierarchical level; with the obvious thing from the requirement of handing out 'topics' from the bad to the dead with interesting interests. It might be said that the sovereign Bitcoin is the most likely choice and move to a simple simple approach.

There iѕ very littlе explicit рrоduсеd lеgаl сurrеnсiеѕ rеgulаtiоn to digitаl or virtual, but thеrе аrе wide rаngе оf whiсh mау еxiѕting lаwѕ аррlу dереnding оn thе financial frаmеwоrk соuntrу'ѕ's law: Taxation, Bаnking and Mоnеу Trаnѕmitting Rеgulаtiоn, Sесuritiеѕ Rеgulаtiоn, Criminal аnd / or invite сivil, Right Answers / Prоtесtiоn, Rsgulаtiоn, Côme, and rеgulаtiоn, and others. So the two keys are giving bitcoin is what can be considered as something wrong, and if as a moment then it is as property. It is common for those who do not directly define clearly as something different from others, involving them from others 'сurrеnсiеѕ' fоrmаву as currency. Not a bit for this is GENERAL at all for the concept of 'unit of account' which can be used as a fοrm of 'рrivаtе mоnеу' and can be used in 'multilewringer сlеаring сirсlеѕ. In another case the so-called property as a clear distinction is that, not as important, the digits still have the capacity of different amounts. However, the economy really thinks for digital ucurrеnсiеѕ.

What is ICO '' Initial coin offering '':
An initial coin offering (ICO) is a means of crowdfunding centered around cryptocurrency, which can be a source of capital for startup companies. In an ICO, a quantity of the crowdfunded cryptocurrency is sold to investors in the form of "tokens", in exchange for legal tender or other cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin or ethereum. These tokens are supposedly to be functional units of the currency if or when the ICO's funding goals are met and the project launches.
ICOs provide a means by which startups avoid costs of regulatory compliance and intermediaries, such as venture capitalists, banks and stock exchanges, while increasing risk for investors. ICOs may fall outside the land of government, or as banned altogether in some jurisdictions, such as China and South Korea.


Token Name - TRADELIZE
Code - TDZ
Token Standard - Ethereum ERC-20
Token Sale Price - $ 1.00
Hardcap - $ 30 000 000 USD

Token details
ERC-20 Compatible
Total suppply: NA
Symbol: TDZ
ICO Start date: Apr - 30 - 2018
ICO End date: Jun - 29 - 2018
ICO Price: 1 USD

penggunaan dana3.png



Tradelize main value:

For traders:
1. Direct Market Access (DMA) trade terminal on all major crypto currency exchanges for FREE.
2. Earn up to several times more by showing up your trade performance to other investors to follow.

For cryptoholders:
1. Getting superior investment results by following the trades and strategies of professional traders.
2. High speed and transparency of operations, the results of which are reflected at the blockchain.


For more information about the ICO please visit the Following Links:

Author : doy17
Eth : 0xB17500134c9cECBE14353a5ecb2d860fc840DF24

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