Senin, 14 Mei 2018


Image result for smart valley bounty

SMART VALLEY - About Smart Valley? ..
SMART Valley is a decentralized innovation that brings together investors, projects and experts whose ecosystem is a closed professional community, where all members are united by the same goal to create high-tech, progress. The CERD Valley ecosystem provides participants with events to raise funds, teams, find business partners, and make it happen - wherever they are in the world. Our project will enable investors worldwide to invest in high projects, while project developers will be able to raise funds and build strong teams, sending experts and providers of interest to jobs and jobs that are stable. This system is being developed as a decentralized application based on Ethereal.

Project objectives:
Save Save ICO as a more cost-effective way to get funding;
• Create automated platforms for recruiting legal funding in projects;
• Ensures the highest quality of ICO projects, and greatly minimizes the SMART Valley ecosystem;
• To link key members of the scope of entrepreneurship and ensure their effective communication: investments and plans, plans and teams, fresh technology and global bazaar, customers with professional markets and personnel reserves;
• Create useful and sweet service in use;
• Provide opportunities to attract financing from anywhere in the world and expire into the universal market;
• Enhance the degree of culture and literacy of direct and indirect members of the distributed registry technology market;
• Back up personnel;
• Create fresh work spaces and improve working with people in promising intensive science plans.

The main participants of the SMART Valley ecosystem

1. Project: DLT project interested to raise funds, recruit team members, or receive training and consultation
ICO stages; ICO stages;
2. Investors: funds, crypto funds, angel business, and portfolio investors interested in investing in DLT
3. Consulting firms: businesses offering ICO solutions and all-inclusive packages;
4. Professionals offering various services for the DLT industry;
5. Arbitrators: users who participate in conflict resolution. For each dispute, different arbiters are selected
6. Exchange: a digital currency exchange that agrees to register the token project. To register, a project
must successfully complete the ICO and pass the required exchange rate.

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Benefit for all platform users

For investors
To the founders
For experts
For investors
The use of a unique automated assessment tool ensures that only the best projects are selected
Smart Valley project assessment solutions eliminate the risk of fraud
Direct investment in projects allows to avoid intermediary costs
You can see how your money is up and keep up with the token value increase.
Tokens can be easily sold in a built-in digital exchange
80% off for certain projects tokens sold on the internal exchange.

Image result for smart valley bounty

SVT code fee: 1 SVT = 0.10 dollars. (10 cents);
Minimum amount for ICO participants: $ 1;
Currency received: ETH, BTC;
Soft Hat: $ 3,000,000;
Cap Hard: $ 30,000,000;

Period of fundraising
December 2017 - March 2018 (ICO will begin in March, date will be announced later);
The fundraising process will continue until the ICO ends or reaches the hardcore limit.

Bonus / Discounts
20% bonus from 1 December to 10 December 2017;
10% bonus from December 11, 2017 to the initial ICO;
0% bonus during ICO.
The amount of emissions depends on an increase amount by ICO, and the term crowdsale is used (bonuses and discounts)



Advisory Team

We are happy to present our official partners who provide support for us, ico

More Info:
ANN Thread:

Author : doy17
Profile :;u=1701501
Eth : 0xB17500134c9cECBE14353a5ecb2d860fc840DF24

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