Selasa, 29 Mei 2018


Image result for etherinc bounty

Hello every healthy regards are always here still with me EtherInc,,What is EtherInc
EtherInc or einc is designed to create unique protocols for creating, managing, and executing decentralized applications and organizations. The goal of this blockchain is cross-border, cross-border, unlimited decentralization firms. This collaborative approach will help create the company's confidence and resilience. EtherInc intends to be around the world for business people wherever they need this essential service.

2. How Does EtherInc Ethereum Crypto Blockchain Fork work?

Creating, managing, and operating an organization can be complicated by long documents, bank visits, legal complexities, unnecessary costs and intermediaries and third parties imposing artificial restrictions.

We are building a passion to empower teams around the world to create, manage and operate a more robust and trustworthy decentralized democratic organization, enabling efficient value creation without boundaries, limitations and costly intermediaries.

Image result for etherinc bounty

Proposal Type

- Issue Share
- Investation
- Set Share
- Sell Stocks
- Appoint CEO
- Fire CEO
- Payroll
- Rename Law
- Voting Rules
- Operational Proposal
- Close eInc
- Add members
- Delete Member
- Change Member Role
- Add New Role
- Select Proposal
- Run Proposal

Eliminate startup and activation fees

As mentioned above, all the expansions and complexity surrounding the launch have forced many dreams to be lost. EtherIn removes all legal, operational and financial requirements to create a new start. To launch your company, you can set up your blockchain company. Then you can add a founding member and then start assigning roles to your team.

As part of your team building, EtherInc allows you to issue shares to your founders, with exclusive rights based on percentage shares. This allows you to distribute assets in a transparent manner without borders, allowing you to bring some professionals to your company. You can also specify how specific activities are triggered or decided in your company through smart contracts.
In the case of cooperation, EtherInc provides a voting platform where business owners can create a company proposal to vote. The election process is very safe and can not be misleading. Proposals received in the contract have been fulfilled.

Another famous way that EtherInc intends to stimulate business growth on its platform is to provide a new protocol for community mobilization. By using intelligent token token contracts, you can raise funds to grow your business from anywhere in the world.

EtherInc tokensale

Image result for etherinc bounty
Image result for etherinc bounty

The name of the currency is EtherInc Coin
ETI currency symbol
Blockchain EtherInc
Total supply of coin 997,528,142 ETI
Number of coins in koinale 450,000,000 ETI
ETI Price $ 0.10
Soft seal $ 1,000,000
Hardcover $ 22,000,000
Pre ICO sales started on June 7, 2018
The sale of ICO pre ends on June 15, 2018
ICO sales begin on June 25, 2018
ICO sales ends on July 25, 2018
EtherInc coin distribution

Unsold ICO coins will be burned. This project is fundamentally unique, and I think that will make a splash on the market. I will certainly support this project and will closely monitor the implementation of the road map.
Now is a very good time to invest in this project.


Image result for etherinc bounty


Image result for etherinc bounty

For more information we invite you to visit the following Links:


Author : doy17
Profile :;u=1701501
Eth : 0xB17500134c9cECBE14353a5ecb2d860fc840DF24

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