Minggu, 20 Mei 2018


Image result for hamster marketplace bounty

Hello every healthy regards are always here I will explain about HAMSTER MARKET PLACE ,, What is MARKET PLACE ,,

About the project
Hamster Marketplace is a decentralized trading platform that focuses on selling specialty electronics and unique gadgets from manufacturers, including DIY manufacturers, startups, local projects

Thousands of vendors around the world Hamster markets will open up markets, outputs that they can not afford now and will give access to early adopters and technology enthusiasts.

Millions of customers will receive a variety of unilateral merchandise at no additional cost

Funds for the launch and development of the Hamster Marketplace will be collected through the public placement of the HMT token (Hamster Marketplace Token) during the token sale beginning January 2018

Hamster Marketplace: A digital revolution in electronic commerce
Sanygk vlog december16, 2017


Cryptocircle News - around November 2017 an English marketplace hamster introduces to the public about online marketplace that uses blockchain technology and claims to be the world's first marketplace to adopt blockchain.

Quoted from the official website of hamster marketplace (hmstr.io) in the development of blockchain-based market invites market participants to join it by announcing the project ICO (Initial Coin Offering) which means providing an offer to join the project.

Hamster Marketplace is a digital revolution in online trading, where online markets are dominated by big markets like amazon, ebay, alibaba and lazada and surely here will be very disturbing to the traditional market players and umkm who still startup in developing its business. Although basically there is also an online market that is destined for umkm and startup like tokopedia, olx and bukalapak (online market in indonesia) but they still lose with big capital owners because of the topmost display ads for those who want to pay more, so the same for the less capital is sure to lose again, the more competition no fear.

To that end, the hamster marketplace wants to bridge the issues, carrying modern blockchain technology that runs on a transparent and fair and decentralized platform, which focuses on electronic sales that allow customers and innovators to meet by making a deal without the additional costs of intermediaries.

The Hamster Marketplace also ensures that millions of subscribers will receive information on various products and thousands of vendors from around the world from online markets that they have been unable to access. The central idea of ​​a decentralized market platform is the hapless CEO of Hamster Marketplace LPP who is a Russian businessman and electronics manufacturer Denis Bulavin.

Electronic Market Revolution
The Hamster Marketplace revolutionized the traditional market into a modern market where Market functionality will run on Blockchain technology which not only ensures the authenticity of all payments and transactions made on Hamster Market, but directly connects Vendors with Customers by utilizing a stable Blockchain capability to balance increasing data large to be able to use the user lancartanpa constraints. The Hamster Marketplace also imposes a much lower cost for its platform than traditional markets, cutting the intermediary costs for payment processors in contrast to expensive traditional markets, and often sluggish in delivery.

In addition, Hamster also offers as the only Vendor-controlled market, preventing fraud or deviations at the cost or unfair policies of the future from market owners. The Hamster Marketplace will bring different benefits to the stakeholders, from Customers to Manufacturers and Participants in the bidding project (ICO).

The concept of marketplace hamster deals as follows:

For buyers and tech fans
• A unique set of gadgets and electronics
• Discovery, DIY and products for any needs
• Offers selectively without counterfeiting at producer prices

For producers
• Large participants with demand for electronics accordingly
• Minimum cost for position and promotion
• The ability to take sales and production to a new level

For ICO participants
• Initial access to platform testing
• Discount from manufacturer

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Project Offer (ICO - Initial Coin Offering)

The Hamster Marketplace in its offer announces its' ICO campaign with a special bonus for the participants. 14,000,000 HMT Tokens will be available during the ICO process, with a total funding of $ 28,000,000.
Conversion rate will be $ 2 / HMT participants are able to exchange their ETH for HMT at a shared exchange rate in USD. After completing the ICO, the unused HMT will be melted to maintain the token value.
Investors will be the first to gain access to testing platforms, as well as a number of discounts from manufacturers. Participants are welcome to take part in the ICO token HMT.


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Image result for hamster marketplace bounty

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Image result for hamster marketplace bounty

more information can see link below:
Website: https://hmstr.io/
White Paper: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw2mOhMOpJPzMWt2S1BKcWNtVTg/view
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hamstermarketplace/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HamsterMarket
Telegram: https://t.me/hmstr

Author : doy17
Profile : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1701501
Eth : 0xB17500134c9cECBE14353a5ecb2d860fc840DF24

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